Monday, October 12, 2009

What To Write On An Anniversary Of A Death

sara_esse @ 2009-10-12T19:31:00

was paradise ... but at the very center of hell.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Lcd Magnet Spots

sara_esse @ 2009-10-06T19:46:00

"Chapter One: I love New York, the idolized immeasurably .. No no, it is immeasurably better than the mythologized, here. For him, qualuncue season this was still a city that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great George Gershwin reasons.
Hmm, no, let me start over.
Chapter One: he was too romantic about Manhattan, as he was about everything else. Force was in the hectic bustle of the crowds and traffic ...
No, no, stale, stuff is stale!
.. Chapter One: I love New York, although he was a metaphor for the decadence of contemporary culture. What was difficult to exist in a society desensitized by drugs, loud music, on television, crime, garbage ..
No, too angry. I do not want to be angry .. .. .. Wait, there are! New York was his town, and I would always .

Maybe in about a year and something.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dua For Marriage Cards

sara_esse @ 2009-10-05T23:27:00

Paps. Damned Paps,

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Calories Smith Fields Bbq Sandwich

sara_esse @ 2009-10-03T21:29:00

with fever have also been launched as a romantic, I just got this video * __ *

Scalp Warts Googe Images

sara_esse @ 2009-10-03T19:53:00

I want to be the other side of world.And perhaps only a few thousand klm from here.
Night Fever, pizza and movies.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Marrigae Invites - Funny

Altieri Legacy Update!

>> GENERATION 1.3 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cubefield Widescreen Game

Altea Legacy Update!! Help

>> GENERATION 1.6 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

World's Largest Online Skatepark

I would like to ask for advice on some program to capture images.
Everyone I tried it ... I do see some professional pictures taken during the game very dark! I find no remedy. Can anyone tell me if there is a software that does not give this problem?

Rhyming Dinner Invitation

Altieri Legacy Update!

>> GENERATION 1.2 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Monday, September 7, 2009

Normal Cervical Lordosis

Altea Legacy Update!!

>> GENERATION 1.5 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Phyto Hair Color Chart

First episode of the new Legacy - Family Altieri

>> Generation 1.1 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Gush Of Blood A Day After Period

Last night I put down the rules for a new project for TS3

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Frases Bobas En Español

New Project Update Update

new update ^ ^

Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Masterbait For Guys

I posted the last update of the legacy ^ ^

I'm updating frequently because even with the game are quite a bit more ... is that I enjoy so much that now I play whenever I can: P

Good night all =) PS

I created a page where you can leave the link of your legacy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jessie Jane Streaming


These days I created a small site where piiiiccolo publish the continuation of this legacy and the next to come! ^ ^

I hope you come to read me every time =)

I leave you the link

Oh I forgot .. find the second episode of Altea Legacy! =) (Published right now!)


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Korg Legacy Collection 1.1.9

Altea Tapioca - New Generation Legacy

Meet Altea Tapioca protagonist-victim-of this legacy ^ ^ I wanted to take the easy way out by starting with a woman ... at least that's my feeling, hope after the latest misadventures experienced with my previous legacy -__-


I just moved to Sunset Valley and all that I own at the moment is a mailbox, a garbage can and a book ....

I have a beautiful character, very sociable and positive ...
some gossips say I'm sloppy, but ... do not believe ... envy is all \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;
My dream is to become leader of the free world ... I have strong principles and ideals of the balances! I'm sure I do it
(if your future partner does not make you first out-__-)

With a little cash I had available, I built a house .. will not be a palace but at least I have a roof over your head!

In exchange, the place where I chose to live is amazing!

I spend my first morning only to read my book ... I do not know anyone and there is early morning so many people around
( decent people at least: D )

In the kitchen are a real landslide ... for now the only ingredients in my fridge just enough for a plate of Gauffre

After breakfast I go out in the garden ... right in front of my house there is a nice house ... tired to move am alone I decided to go to introduce myself ... and when I get to see the garden full of fruit seedlings .... mmmh I think the night will come to these parties to "go shopping": P

Now in behind the glass door I see so many people happy to chat ... this makes me feel even more alone ...

( eh .. who knows if in the house of wealthy will be the future father of the heir ... )

The landlady, Mrs. Annette, is to meet me .. . an old lady very sweet and gentle ... makes me sit down and begin to chat about the most this and that ... when we start to talk about work I remain of stone: the old woman a little curved on itself is a professional athlete *___*
My compliments!

( on my part! *___* )

I understand that people of a higher level .. I can not compete by telling the truth .. tirarmela then I start to talking about my beautiful and brilliant new house =) and as I
praises alone behind me appears to be a male ... Dress haired nerd but ...

( distance does not seem worthy of further examination is required ... )

( Kristopher will also be a good match but his genes are not welcome in this legacy -_-)

I'm going back to house (which after visiting the residence of Annette is always closer to me) and decided to go looking for a job ... but not any ... I do not want to settle ... I have always been the ideals that I want to pursue at all costs ... even if they are forced from the last step!

The way to get ahead is long and difficult ... and as for today I find myself with much time to decide to put me to study ... In politics be charismatic is essential and I will!

The first day alone is over ... was tiring and I feel really exhausted ... Tomorrow I will start working right away ... I eat something quick (and burned) and I run a yarn to sleep in my bed linen from Latvia horrid! Tomorrow, wake up at 7 = __ =

A decent breakfast for me is a tall order ... at the end eat a toast with a thin layer of jam ... I will arrive in the evening without fainting from hunger?

The ultimate test of charisma in the mirror I am making significant progress =)

( dark pictures are made with a software capture ... nn know why but all come with TS3 darkest T_T)

will pick up a few minutes The driver of the office ... strigliatina come on ...

We ... the driver is a girl with a strange hairstyle O__O I want us to have a chat ... but I will not row at all!

The City Hall is very impressive ... beautifully designed ... and now I will work here! =)

( while my simmola does his duty and I do my begin to glance at the faces of passers-by ... to my great regret I realize that at this time of morning run only the old folks ... Simmi and married ... I'm not going to ruin the other families for the benefit of my legacy! He eyed two ... the only two acceptable age married but ... if you can not find anyone I write them down for emergency ;))

The first day of work was very stressful .. But I met a colleague ... I hope at least it's nice ... then he gave my head in my office asking me to read an important book, impossible to refuse the first day! and so at least I have two books! : D

My stress has reached an alarming ... tonight I want her amusement. Catch the first flight to taxi and passing away ...!!

There is a small gym on the pier in a small bay ... the place is beautiful ... I get kidnapped by the fantastic scenery that presents itself to me!

The ideal way to release stress is to do some exercise .. then in such a beautiful place feel a little fatigue ...

course between exercise and the other also give a look around ... study the people around me ... but the "wildlife" of the place is very disappointing ... possible that there is no decent peer with whom to make friends .... or something more? = (

Forget the speech "hunting" for dinner tonight ... here is free and for me that's something ... let's take a quick look at the book of the head, at least not tomorrow risk of making a bad impression!

came home .. and it's already dark in the house is in front all off ... or no sleep .... I'm going to do some shopping XD

Mamma mia ... that tired! But what I become exhausted and this loneliness that I feel ... are not born to live alone!!

( not!! Your job is to find the perfect father for my heir!! )

Another breakfast to forget! In the kitchen I just suck T_T

When I got up this morning I realized that today I have the day off ... There is a beautiful sun, the 'ideal for a stroll in the park.

Near the fountain rather meet a nice guy ... we see that it is looking a little older than me ... but his eyes catch me now!

bluntly ask him things that I would like to know more ... responses gave the result I hoped for! This brave young man is single ... has a job ... and reckless ... mmm fascinating! Too bad for the name-__-

Unfortunately, our conversation ended soon ... suddenly ran away! I do this effect for men? ç_ç

A guy comes up to me ... Well then there is hope!
Rupert is very nice but I was struck by how Edmond ... and then married that makes us the evening in a park to talk to other women ?????? Rejected!

( just play with that family I light the wife of Rupert XD)

E 'already time for dinner .. I go to the Bistro's famous Sunset Valley ... My intention was to become part of the community's social life ... but I'm literally passing out from sleep ... and then Edmond is on my mind (to ven my plan! ) ... I can no longer "look around" as the first ... go to sleep!

This morning I woke up full of energy! After a bit of cardiovascular exercise - I care about my health! - I take my courage in both hands and call Edmond ... I invite him to my hut ... the lessons of charisma served to something: he accepts! =)))))

Just get me rush out .. we say goodbye in a funny way ... and both burst out laughing!

E 'can not be denied ... there's a good feeling between us ....

She made time for dinner ... I put myself in the kitchen for my new friend, but ... I repeat that as a chef is a true landslide .... but he pretends not to notice ... is served with a smile and eat a nice plate of spaghetti without batting an eyelid!

While Edmond was struggling with his dinner I got in free ... maybe I'm too bold, but I decided that tonight something important will happen ... I will not take no for an answer!

I go down heavy ... but he did not seem at all displeased. His reaction is away all my fears ... Currently no one can stop me!

He turns out to be as I had imagined ... sweet ...

The understanding that has developed between us is total ... maybe I'm running too but it does not scare me.

are no longer alone! =)

Edmond decides to stay a night with me ... and the evening ends in the best way \u0026lt;3

this morning are over the moon .. we talked and we decided to get married right away ... why wait? ( already why? )

The place we chose is very nice ... guests are few ... Moreover I do not know hardly anyone here ...
But how the hell is dressed this?? And 'way of presenting a ceremony?
Not that my boyfriend is dressed much better .... I at least have a fashionable dress!
And my dear sweetheart ... now on your life, your hair and your clothes will change forever XD

The great moment has arrived! Start here my whole life in Edmond ( and my legacy! )

When deciding where I live a nice surprise: my Edmond has a house of my three times!! Gaudio and joy ... he shall live!


( I confirm! )

During the reception ....... tragedy!
Here's how it can ruin a wonderful day in a few moments! (

not you know that dressing in all black is bad luck at weddings ????????

Mr. Grim after taking away my ... asked us to leave a Bisognin in the reception room .___.

Grim disgust ... think of me: you have ruined my wedding day, a woman died, I do a poo in the middle of the dance floor and YOU feel disgust? I should kill you now!

My guests have enjoyed this holiday but an alternative ... at least no one will speak to me back!

I'm sorry for the poor lady is now passed away but I to the bridal suite, I have already paid-not giving up! My husband and I are ready to face the ISBI and everything that goes with it =)

(I would go with cautious optimism)

We are finally home ... WOW is right on the beach !!!!!

Edmond is a morning person ... This morning we got up early and slingshots and now in the pool! I found that almost has the athletic ability to the fullest! What a man!
but ... What my eyes see?? Horror is your car ???????? Never ever I'll see you around on that thing! Take note: new car as soon as possible!

While I have breakfast I read the newspaper e. .. surprise there is an article that talks about my wedding!
... And the death of poor women-__-

With all the beautiful things that are happening to me I found myself with a lot of points annuities .. I therefore decided to facilitate the career I chose Guest sensational Holiday-worldly that I will have give-and in office protagonist ... that is not documented because of the creative legacy every time you forget to take pictures-__-

Now that I'm a married woman, I decided to make my look ...

My husband really appreciated ... Today I was surprised with a breathtaking kiss suddenly ...

Now is the time of taking possession for the first and second last time (the last is to retire from old) Edmond. To be fair I see what I saw. Unfortunately we see a desire for life .. but never mind ... both will survive only with his Artificial Intelligence

change look ...
( so goes megliooooo )

I think I've made a mistake with the job change ... I see better ... In fact, I pointed to change jobs but I do not remember if it was granted when the sim in question had already one.
If I'm wrong I will spend the night on her knees chickpea

My husband is a person who takes great care of her appearance ... should never be disregarded!

But the only thing I eat are the things that I prepare ... then it also satisfies my sandwiches ...

disorder does not leave ... and leaves everything in place =)

The thing that always leaves me surprised is his constant outbursts of affection ...

... and passion!

happiness there is in my life is reflected in my career ... finally no longer the last wagon wheel!

Edmond and I have celebrated the promotion by embarking on our first child! Abbian We had to try a couple of times but it is not sorry for nothing ... and I think we see from our other expressions! XD

In a moment of distraction I brought my man to scrap cess that ... ugly car and I bought a beautiful red machine! The property is obviously mine! : P

my husband's job is not easy .. this legacy is he must show something ... so far it is coming out just fine ... I clean the bathroom ... Understand these things are rare!

so I have free time to establish some relationships .. and anyway this is part of my job!

but I can chat while I hear a funny little laugh from behind .... Edmond
games with fire ?!??! You know this is not done?
-oh my god .. hope is not a pyromaniac! -

Photo Spam

every morning Edmond How do the tanks

When he does that really makes me angry! I always prepare a meal for lunch and dinner .... but he never expected! Do you see me cooking?! But then why do you always eat the leftovers?

Edmon knows how to be forgiven, however ....

The time to go to work is approaching ... and he is so intelligent that is preparing to go to the best

But it's the same driver who comes to take me too!
Ah, but look a little ... I'll wire my husband eh?

But I have the rest of the day off .. and since Edmond and damage is not allowed to combine, even if he is a good husband, I'll be around a bit on my own!

I went to the bookstore and bought all the books of the first level of skill and easy recipes ... then put them in a library at home in the hope that my partner might find interesting rather than be playing with fire-__-

I'm going to surprise him ... I am studying the recipe for cookies ... I wonder what his favorite dish ????? I intend to find out =)

Towards 5 pm I approach the cinema to see if there any good movies ... There they found a nice guy you gladly exchange a few words ..

What bliss! My first real friend !!!!!

During the film is a wonderful thing happened! I felt a strange feeling ... I do not know why the mask of the theater I was thrown out .... then I realized it all with a POP! =)

( hope that the heir is a boy ... I would like to alternate generations! =) )

Edmond comes home from work very hungry ... but continues to eat the leftovers ... may not have the urge to cook something every now and then? Aahh these simmoli ... all equal-__-

slingshot home to give me the good news to my husband .. and after the announcement there remain some bad ... has no reaction scared and reassured me that it might mean that the traits did not dislike the lack of children ... but his reaction is limited to a + and absent expression ... I would also go well at least + + would have been different ... But no ..

I try to move him a bit and ask him to touch my belly .. even though I know it's early .. and instead always has that look and those individuals that make me miserable + mount nerves so much!

Unacceptable ... mister ice breaks away from the belly where her son is going to take the garbage out .. so ... an irritating way to break up the atmosphere! I will pay!

He knows how to make me angry but also knows how to be forgiven ... and for the first time ever I see him struggling with the kitchen ... Well it is not so bad! Bravo my hubby! We hope that at least has more talent than me!

The pregnancy progresses quite apart from those annoying back pain ... My husband never lets me a massage although it is always very affectionate with me ... So I decided to reward myself ... I went to beauty parlor for a massage from me
§ 500 and while I enjoyed the good news I got the first promotion of Edmond! Now everyone will say that SIMMs are stupid should think again uncontrollable =)))))))) my husband is the proof!

likely to blow off my love just come back from work starts to do gymnastics ... but never gets tired?

After the massage I'm from God ... a swim in the pool that's what it takes ... in water at least will not feel the weight of this huge belly!

This morning I started to prepare the room for the baby ... now it takes very little and are looking forward ...

and I take this opportunity to buy something to arouse the interest of my beloved and develop it with me =)

While preparing breakfast I learned that Edmond has reached the maximum in all by myself ' athletic ability! I am very proud of him!

( Me too =))

too should me to do to improve my skills ... at least when motherhood is over I will have the opportunity to have the long-awaited promotion! Should I also dedicate myself to
Public Relations ... damn!

Edmond gets up with one idea in his head-
-__-and I defended him-

after 4 hours is still there while I spend hours to make me a well cuxx ; to study!

finally comes out to go to work and I continue to study ... I want to learn how to cook the fruit parfait ... maybe it's his favorite dish .. who knows! Ah
about .. in a cooking session is not documented by pictures ( ahem ..) I discovered that the biscuits are not the favorite dish, even macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and pancakes house-__-

All ' Suddenly I have a thick painful!! O____O
Porca palette now that I'm alone!

I do not panic .. in a moment I get in the car and try to get to the hospital ... I hope that I reach Edmond soon!

Within run away leaving a state of panic in people entering *___*

After a time I could not get my husband to define race .. finally!

I am speechless .... I did not expect ... and even poor Edmond ... look at that face!

Twins! *_____*

Why these things happen in always legacy?
In two more girls ... I do not know if I feel like to look ahead with the male fear of other births: Romina while the virtuous and sensitive

I, my husband and the twins we salute you ... and we hope that you continue to read! Hello!