Friday, October 29, 2010

Abdominal Spasms No Pain

I think I can fly It's you ~ ~

I I did say that just sucks the task of English D: No
oh well apart from two questions that I skipped
I hope I have done a good job, you know in the post below
I said to myself "I want this year at least a 7 bla bla bla "but all he wants is Professor
things with minimal perfection do not know if I get it.
Boh good I had it bad last year, do not even think aspe .. He also had half
7th * rejoices. No
but to say that I'm freezing is short, my hands are icy
that I can not even press the keys on the keyboard
my nose is cold and the mucous frozen inside of it ..
feet I do not feel them more, including some fall off and leave me
you can claim to be a snowman * puts gloves

go to work, but that is ok, I am also taking
twice the salary at month-end FUCK YEAH!
I can (if it ever will) go wherever they see Girugamesh
Milan, Rome, Turin, Florence. ..
masses because not even in BURUNDI.

I can not feel you there "Nothing" Do you hear me?
I don't know me now answer the

tired eyes shining Sun rises
瞑Ri ahead and opened his eyes to the horizon light

I Think I can Fly * AMA

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Full Length Robes With Zippers

Bho, non so questo blog cosa sta diventando ..
un muro del pianto
per quanto mi riguarda!
Le giornate passano e un vuoto dentro di me si opens up more and more ..
BUT WHY? Now I know it, I fucking hate all
just because I can tell it like it is I really deserve this!?
BETTER LIE and tell a lot of crap? No
tell me that I will do if you feel better and especially if you start again to consider me your friend an X ° D

However FINALLY I say finally, I know how to occupy my days
Subba .. Well yes I am also entered in the space of fansub * dies

Mabboh back to serious stuff ..
Tomorrow I have the task of English ancestry
* I want a beautiful 7 year ECCAZZO want it
I deserve it * How
dreams will be gone to history?
If I still laugh but I do not say anything
is my secret and the task.

How many times I'm feeling IT'S YOU?
Too many, way too many!

go Nora, Nora NORA go .. GO!

BOH I love it. Both

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nhl Goalie Masks Designs

Where is my SMILE?

But anyway .. I want my smile, I pray for those who have robbed me of RIDARMELO immediately, I can not go on pretending. Please restituitemelo is PROPERTY OF MY DICK !

Belle merde you are, even today
[as always now never] do not you tell me anything.
are good for me OUT, no more will try it will let you know anything about what's happening to me. Really! We exclude it completely from my life!
Turning to serious matters and less dramatic ..
Well yes to me by Sunday then I have to work .. I
THE WORLD? Well! Me I have to earn it with my own hands, my own sweat and my own money ...
Yes, because one day I conquer this crap and I will change completely ..
now I have reduced it to daydreaming,
are inundated with mundane illusions .. I am creating a world of my illusions that I made from the Arabian'm building day after day .. brick by brick ..
Maybe if we see them at least I can feel good about myself and the people that even they, I'm modeling at will!

Now I have dinner and maybe the best thing ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Imitation Fluff Momma Boots


Ok .. I update this thing with a sensible post .. more or less!
First of all, I have a problem? That is, people treat me like I'm an idiot who does not learn anything and that has some mental problem .___. But
flying over the whole period is not for me .. I really feel excluded from the rest of the world, when I see my friends I can not laugh and I smile even as though I had forgotten how to do .. Is a really bad feeling not being able to laugh more.
the end even when I laugh heartily for any crap I can be happy. But perhaps
YES! That
feel such a distance that I feel like dying.
I stress education, examinations, fuck I do not know what.
maybe I'm changing, I'm maturing or are the ones who are changing their behavior, once called me for everything and I was happy. Now!? Eleonora you doing this-is-ok Eleonora me accompany this side-ok for that too-here Eleonora ... .. Eleanor of the .. TRUTHFULLY I HAVE BROKEN THE FUCK ALL THIS.

That is the end I wonder if the friendships made in chat are more loyal than those who have a life.
I always thought it was strange but not to this extent,
[for not naming names but I think you understand very well] that is really when I speak to you I'm comfortable that I'm myself I do not have to hide behind anything I can talk about anything and she listens to me .. I really have no limits .. I will be so fond of me almost immediately, but what can I do? ie at the end NATURE OF HO this and do not know how to change it! I'll be THAT WRONG or their confidence that they give me too but then again what can I do? nothing. That's why I want a world of good and maybe I'm not joking, if not the only, some sincere smile that sometimes makes me do it behind this screen ...

However this evening is going well ..
then I will not change topic, any person in whom I would give my life if I know of no time is the Faidutti sometimes I think it's a really stupid person
EH XD But fuck if I want really good!

Boh but maybe it's the right time argument that change or else I end up shedding tears of useless tonight. They told me that I'm becoming obsessed with them .. So what? I did not understand that there is evil! Eccazzo'm not a girl .. I know what I do .. GOD

But oh well ..
to conclude ~ ~ I LOVE U

Friday, October 15, 2010

Davicom Cnet Cn200 Pro Fast Ethernet Adapter Pci

PG - Rinoa's Garden (the revenge)

New pg!

Name: Sando

Age: technically incalculable

Height: 1.71 m

Location: tomb of King Untitled


Sando blacks smooth her hair waist-length, separated by a central line, and red eyes slightly downward.

bill is wearing a Chinese dress made of two layers: the bottom is a kind of simple slip of white silk with gold rim, covered by a second layer of dark green velvet on the chest and skirt, also with gilt edges. At the foot has a pair of black velvet slippers.

The jewelry is made only by a pair of gold earrings.



Summoned as guardian spirit of the last emperor of the Holy Empire of Dollet, fails his mission when his master is killed, an event that will lead to the dissolution of the empire. Instead of disappearing, as would have been, and remains down to earth in the tomb of the king, trying an endless remorse for not having protected him as he should. Countless

Sando decades pass without leaving the tomb, guarding against intruders access came in search of the treasures of kings, which, however, forget even the name. However, it remains true to its mission.

When the two brothers GF, and Seclet Minotaurus, occupy the deepest room of the tomb, Sando feels that his job is finished and decided to go looking for a new owner to which they serve. For this pattern begins to wander the world without knowing how long will it take in his research.


Quiet and uncommunicative, Sando looks at the world around air apparently lost, struggling to adapt to changes in the centuries that he spent locked up in his grave. One of the reasons mentioned is that just have trouble speaking the language of power, the other is, in fact, his shy nature.

prefer to stay on the sidelines rather than take action. Try to steal as much information as possible by carefully observing the environment and people.

is totally devoted to the person who chooses as his master.

Titles and degrees mean nothing to you, why do not necessarily demonstrate the ability of the bearer, and what Sando is seeking a master spiritually strong - a feature that is not usually rewarded with medals and insignia.

does not have a concept of good or evil, but only of what should or should not do.

Combat Style

Without a master, Sando fights only in self-defense. Hits using the sword as a blacksmith, It shows surprising agility. It is not uncommon surprised to see her twirl in the air like a dancer, just before dropping its full force against the enemy.
not use spells.


Weh No Su - A Claymore 1 m long, whose blade is 5 cm wide, a single block of iron Sando evokes the folds of space (to put it more prosaic: the pulling out of nowhere).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Kind Of Makeup Compares To Clinique


The university is quite calm (?), But having a mother who complains every holy day of my time is not the best.
Among other things I should check the courses to do well, mysteriously I have made some claims in the right places and I thought of having to make like 5 or 6 before even thinking of writing a thesis, but now I have more ideas ; @ confused than before.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ontario Red License Plate?

One For Me

TITLE: One for Me !
GENRE: OneShot.
RATINGS: PG13 (although I have not written who knows what .___.)
Disclaimers: No character is mine.
PAIRING: Jonghyun / Taemin
NOTE: It is a sad story, indeed for me to end up too well. E 'trivial but I was going to write better than this and do not know x3 I state if there are some strong pieces but I think we're used to, I do not know boh I have read worse, so I'm very quiet in write things like that and that does not mean that they are perverted or anything, just the one shot that I wanted to move in some way. Ok having said that good reading.

One for me!

I never thought to go that far,
Really. I'm afraid of myself and that I will end if I continue to hide such feelings toward you. I'm killing himself.

My breathing became more labored at every step of your hand on my member. More of the same .. My sexual desire towards you was so high that every time I hid in the room e.. Well just imagine what I could do it alone. The sound of the shower and I was gone as if nothing had happened I reached my friends.
"Hyung you're always the last to get off," protested the woman's failure to Key.
"I did not know what to put" I was good at lying by now, I used it about three a day that I was almost spontaneous. They were convinced that I had remained the same as always, the sweet boy who looked to every detail, what was funny, gentle and slightly ironic that at the same time to make people laugh even at the worst .. But I was wrong and a lot. I had become a sort of monster possessive, jealous, aggressive, if only they tried to touch the guy I was madly in love. It
Jonghyun you are in love. Flirty
'm a guy who will not even be calculated, every time you try to open a conversation with him is like if you ignore every single word your looking to avoid as much as possible.
But what can I do? Then the damage is done.
I can not pull back, not make it.
me back to earth only Onew's face it, if I had done some sudden movement, I would have kissed him.
"Shall we go?" Said pulling up a weight and dragging me with great force to the car.
"Jong if you do not feel well you can stay at home, do not require you to come," I was enchanted, it was perfect that night. Her red hair barely touching his shoulders, almost fake smile, the eyes of a frightened child, that body so slender and minute .. Here's who I was infatuated, Taemin Lee was the guy that I could not help but think.
"You guys probably should .. My head is spinning, I do not think that a party to make my case "so I turn around and went back inside our home, when you feel a cold hand resting on my shoulder.
"hyung I thee company? You okay "the heart stopped beating for a moment, could not believe my ears, Taemin that he was abandoning a party to remain in my company.
I was definitely dreaming.
"Well then we can go, have fun guys" Onew not made any regard for what the word meant fun-in-my presence.
"We do what we do!?" My animal instinct wanted to come out, I felt a strong pressure on the trouser press, I got to the point of excitement for a simple question? Bravo
Jong ...
The situation was becoming embarrassing, I did not imagine my expression ..
"We look at a movie ?!".. no time to give a sensible answer that I found myself catapulted on the couch, next to the guy who wanted to see a sickly sweet film.
I wanted to shake his hand.
I had a wild desire to take his face and kiss him hard.
Really, I never wanted anything so much.
is becoming almost a mania.
obsession, here is the right word.
jumped the light and the house was invaded by darkness.
I have to stop, but I have to, I can not ..
I touched something soft, pillow assume
But where is Taemin. I began to feel the couch to find it until I laid it on both legs, I presume it was a leg.
"Jong I'm afraid, I'm afraid of the storm" Another situation that I could not ignore, take me to the downside again.
"Come" squeezed between the unconscious my arms and my excitement mounted. Sorry
small for what I will do or will.
I did not think twice about to turn on my side and kiss
"Taemin sorry I did not want me here .. You know something .. But I do not know how to explain .. "I choked back the words with a kiss even more passionate about what I had given myself.
was like being in paradise.
I was really kissing the boy who dreamed of for some time.
"Jonghyun .. Find out something about me, I'm not the guy you've always known, are different "and showing me the extravagance.
I squeezed his wrists, was sitting on me ed era una sensazione strana, buffa direi.
I nostri membri, anche se erano protetti dai pantaloni, riuscivano in qualche modo a sfiorarsi e provocare in me un brivido di piace. Stavo sudando a freddo, finchè non gli venne la brillante idea di immergere la sua mano nei miei pantaloni e fare ciò che più desideravo da lui.
Li stavo letteralmente muorendo, tirai indietro al testa, non riuscivo a respirare, andava troppo veloce, non riuscivo però a vedere la sua faccia.. Volevo vedere la faccia di chi mi stava provocando in questo modo. Era cambiato, troppo cambiato.
"Cazzo Tae.."
"Non ti piace"
"Continua please, "I got to the point of beg him to touch me.
and was the moment that I was expecting more, the exchange of roles.
I would become the ruler now.
is I who command.
You'll be sorry, my dear.
I took him in her arms, gently lying on the couch .. First of all I undressed me and then I go and bother to remove her. WERE TOO.
"Hyung you plan .." I'll try to make the sweetest possible.
gap little legs to facilitate my entry, I was insecure
now, I did not know what to do ... I was afraid to hurt him ..
"JONG SHIT I CAN NOT STAY IN THIS POSITION THROUGH THE NIGHT "I was surprised, I had never seen him like this. Penetrated and I decided, I was trembling, I tried to do as quietly as possible but I could not help myself. But I somehow had to be able to make that moment as magical as possible for him.
Initially I had an almost snail pace, I saw him bite the sofa cover to hold on too .. "Tae tell if I do something wrong .. I take off "
" No shit, NO. You're doing great .. increases, "I did not I say it twice, but the problem was .. I did not want to orgasm, I wanted prolong .. But it was the same Tae which ruined everything. WAS.
I was continuing the work alone.
I was inside him, I took off.
"Listen Tae .. I'm sorry again for all this "
" What are you sorry, I wanted it too "
" was a kind obsession now, almost obsessive "I had to laugh, thinking my own stuff.
We were in tune.

And also why I fell in love even more to him that day. He
everything a secret, but as long as you live together there was no problem.
Really. I
found my happiness now.
It was called ... LEE TAEMIN.