Tuesday, August 25, 2009

80s Costumes Instructor

a few months ago I bought The Sims 3, and after having tinkered for good I decided to start a new LEGACY. Obviously I hope he goes better than the previous ... lost everything because of the pc or the game or the billions of downloads .. should know: I can not completely close the panel .. but my hard and fast rule will be to not select the companions of my players Simmi except for changing clothes and style. Any of my fellow protagonist (this time beginning with her!) Will be the default sim .. in the district but there are plenty of Simmi created by me which I never played (put there on purpose to proliferate XD) so if you happen to know that one of these rules are in full =)
The protagonist of my Legacy is called Altea Tapioca, for now I have no photo available but I am giving you the link where you can download it (if it is to your taste)
I hope that everything will be to your liking =)

you soon!


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