Sunday, May 23, 2010

Peak Level On Kidde Read 999 But No Alarm

spring cleaning always hidden surprises

I was cleaning up stuff that had at least eight years of dust above (argh) when I found the diary in which my classmates in elementary they had written their goodbyes right fine a few days before the fifth grade, losing sight of probably all my life (apart from a couple of exceptions). It was before I became sour and a little girl with a strong and arrogant misanthropy.
Overall, I found:

- chili powder (now I understand why they are always cold. It's dust in my lungs)
- the secret diary, never used, except with a note of 2000 and one on the last, in 2004
- paper in English
Mew - assorted quotations of Final Fantasy, before I had a PC in which he poured
- fake jewelry-they are in suitable boxes for almost ten years, and of whose existence I had completely forgotten
- Barbie
mismatched shoes - a piano with electric batteries will probably go for at least five years
- a snowman in the shape of teddy bear that reminds me of my late grandmother

For some reason I kept yet those things ...
How quickly time passes. In 2000 I attended the medium, now in its third year of university.

* Reading: The Shadow of the prophecy - George RR Martin *


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