Messa in latino
POL: 10/11/2006 14:32
comfortable with using the Missal preconciliar
(ANSA) - CITTA' VATICAN, Oct 11 - On the horizon a 'motu proprio' the papal Mass in Latin. The text - that would be a further indulgence on the matter - would serve to facilitate the use of pre-conciliar Missal of St. Pius V, allowing groups of faithful traditionalists to request the celebration of the old Mass without encountering negative responses by bishops premises. According to sources from authoritative sources Oltretevere the text would be ready. Lacking only the signature of Pope Benedict XVI which is very important to the return and the normalization of reality related to the world Lefebvre. The timing output of the document, however, there is still uncertainty as everything depends on the will of Pope Ratzinger. With this motu proprio the so-called Mass of Saint Pius V, celebrated in the Catholic Church until 1969 (and never forfeited) would again have full citizenship, as well as that of other Catholic rites, the Byzantine, the Mozarabic or Syro-Antiochian. The bishops, therefore, will no longer refuse to grant it, as often is the case in many dioceses. Some years ago by the then Cardinal Ratzinger, speaking of the liturgy complained a number of changes "adventurous and spectacular" to the ceremony, stressing that the Tridentine Mass there was the same tolerance. "Personally, I think we should be more generous - Cardinal Ratzinger had said in allowing the old rite to those who wish it. It is not clear precisely what needs to be dangerous or unacceptable. A community is questioning itself, when considering prohibited until suddenly what appeared shortly before the sacred and when they feel blameworthy desire. Why should we still believe? not prohibit maybe tomorrow, as now prescribed? ". The vexed question of the Tridentine Mass was the subject of consultation within the College of Cardinals at the consistory of February. Three congregations invested to carry out the assignment to define the terms of the document: the Congregation for Divine Worship, that of the Doctrine of the Faith and clergy whose current head, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos has for years been engaged in weaving yarns a recomposition of the Lefebvre schism. In an interview with 30 Days, Bishop Malcolm Ranjith, secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, has found that the Tridentine Mass "is not a private property of Lefebvre," but "a treasure of the Church and of us all. As the Pope said curia, the last year is not a break, but renewal in continuity. Do not throw away the past, but it grows on it. "As to the fact that the Holy See has also recently approved the establishment of Bordeaux in a society of apostolic life of pontifical right means" unequivocally that the mass of Saint Pius V can not be considered as abolished by the new missal of Paul VI. "Meanwhile keenly awaiting the publication of this document, although in many areas of the curia has seen in recent months, I have many strengths. (ANSA).
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