Thursday, July 29, 2010

Late Period High Cervix

Volare, oh oh ... Follow the white

Sunday leave for Sicily, and I'll be away about a month.
The problem is I have a story being written to the PC and obviously I can not drag the laptop up in Sicily ... Moral of the story? I will write on paper, if I have time and inspiration. And most importantly I have the sketchbook and a pen to pieces download (all of which I will get me in Sicily).

Bon, other than that, today I saw the OVA of Tales of Vesperia ~ ~ The First Strike . What can I say? Technically well done, it integrates the history of the game (which I have and never will have) and also has some beautiful music. Beam from Abyssal Chronicles, will probably also with the Italian sub there if the staff / facepalm
Repede puccio * _ *


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