Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mother Big Boobs Milk

Workouts that work!

"To follow the Way of the Samurai to keep the focus on the present moment and do not waver, have no worldly thoughts or being a slave of the passions. Every moment is important, so it's necessary to focus more on the present moment. "

Mind firm, steady hand, sword ready to strike.

Kikentai is the correct term, the sword and the body must move in the same time to score ippon, which is the point.
All this in a straight line.

Yet, after training on Tuesday, I realized that after a year of Kendo, they are totally uncoordinated .

This caused me a fair emotional upheaval, I was sure I'd Kendo I was sure it was fair and clean, but in a few words have been contradicted miserably, I was too sure of myself, and it betrayed me.

I think I learned a lesson from this.

Even when they are sure and certain of what I'm doing, probably not.
was painful, in the true sense of the word of the hits were killed Nicola relentless on me, and nothing is served to the men (shinai is pretty tough, especially when you take it on the head, straight and accurate) but also spurred me to train better and with more vigor and commitment.

Now I know, it is my duty to train even more than I have trained so far, if I want to improve. If I want
really be proud of my Kendo.

I'm not a girl, I am able to recognize my limitations and my wrong, help me to grow in this direction, and down a peg.
I know, I recognize the sin of pride, and often my way of being brought me the wrong way, but the important thing is to recognize it.

Now I know that it is necessary that I continue to train, following the way of Bushido fairly and above all accepting that it is still too inexperienced to I can define a kendo in all respects.

There will be time ...

to grow and mature, to improve and continue along my way.

Once again, Kendo has proved a school of life.


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