Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Is Needed To Get A Trailer Plated In Ontario

new coach and blossoming of Sakura

After four days of skiing, as I no longer felt his knees, so I decided to go alone to train, so as to enable my poor little legs to recover from the fatigue of four consecutive black runs per day.

So, I climbed, bokken and shinai shouldered, a motorbike up to Camaldoli, the only place a little 'peace and quiet where I can live without me look like a white fly.
I was wearing the old uniform Tae-Kwon-Do, usually I wear when I train solo (I've found that the Hakama attracts a bit 'too much attention and laughter of ridicule of passers =_=''' ''), and I was running.
turn a corner, however, I had to stop.

Behind a fence, the street corner, there was a beautiful Sakura tree in bloom, the silhouetted against the sky at sunset ...

was a magnificent spectacle

* _ * I of course locked, with a dazed expression on his face, some petals fluttered in the wind ...
I'm excited beyond belief .... ç_ç

I dropped the bike near the sidewalk, I took the phone and I made some shots.
A woman was passing by and he looked a bit 'strange, but then we started talking, she thought it was a peach, I have correct and I explained the difference, saying the sakura, or cherry , has heart-shaped petals.

For a moment, he thought it was Japanese ...

Sigh ...

Then, a kind man took a stick that was popping up and gave it to me, now makes a fine show of himself in the kitchen, in a vase. ^ * ^

was wonderful, and my training has been gladdened by the sight of that wonderful tree ...*^*

Nature is something really amazing ..


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