Thursday, December 30, 2010

Great Basketball Sayings

Sengoku Basara Character List For

Kai Takeda Shingen

Daimyou of Kai, a skilled tactician and a great general. It is called, not unreasonably, the Tiger of Kai - because of his clothing, as well as of his personality. His main concern, as well as expanding Kai possibly conquer the whole of Japan, is to train his heir, Yukimura, both in politics is the art of war. It shares a strong sense of rivalry and respect with Uesugi Kenshin, which he considers his equal.

His weapon is a hatchet ax.

Sanada Yukimura Genjirou

said Young Tiger of Kai, è allievo e successore di Shingen e possiede una personalità impulsiva – da cui il soprannome. Si considera un soldato alle dipendenze di Takeda, per il quale prova ammirazione e lealtà sconfinati, ed assorbe le lezioni impartitegli dal suo signore con molta scrupolosità. Il suo sogno è conquistare il Giappone per conto di Takeda Shingen per vederlo governare un Paese unito. Il suo rivale è Date Masamune.

Brandisce una coppia di lance gemelle.


Sarutobi Sasuke

Ninja al servizio del clan Sanada, è il capo della rete di spionaggio of Kai. Fair, reliable, loves to joke and even manages to make us believe in that Yukimura Kasuga is his girlfriend. It is very good at pass unnoticed and to travel quickly to inform his master the latest news. He is on the council's strategic Takeda.


Date Masamune

Daimyou of Oshu, shares his rival Yukimura a tendency to lash out with all his battles, but is both more rational . Like all Daimyou Warring States, its objective is to unify Japan. It is called the dragon with one eye because it brings a bandage over his right eye.

Her arms are six katana, called the "Dragon's Claw", and can choose to only use one or - more rarely - and you're all together, three hands.

Katakura Kojuro

right arm, and strategist, in a sense, a friend of Masamune, his job is to watch your back in battle to his master and guide the movement of the gun Oshu when the Masamune is engaged in a duel. His loyalty is unshakable, so that would be willing to sacrifice to protect Masamune. It is called the Right Eye of the Dragon just for being always on the side of his master.

His weapon is a katana, which uses the left hand.

Echigo Uesugi Kenshin

Daimyou of Echigo, known as the God of War for his strategic skills. However, it is very nice and rational, and reciprocates the love Kasuga's shows, though not openly. His most respected rival Takeda Shingen. You also devoted to Bishamonten.

His weapon is a katana.


The kunoichi serving as spymaster Kenshin of Echigo. It is deeply in love with his master, so that when he, in private, addressed the kind words she loses all control of himself.

Her arms are kunai.


Oda Nobunaga

Sesto said the Demon King, the nickname is actually cruel as to leave understood. His only concern is to crush allies and enemies to conquer Japan through blood and terror. It does not seem particularly close to anyone, if not its goal.


devoted wife of Nobunaga, running every order and often by butler. In its own way is cruel, but it's probably because he feels that his role as the wife of the sixth King Demon is to please her husband in everything.

Her arms are a pair of pistols and a machine gun - which by the way you do not understand where it comes from her out.

Akechi Mitsuhide

General in the service of Nobunaga, is mentally disturbed and love the blood and massacres, and for this it is particularly attracted by Oda.

Wields two twin scythes.

Mori Ranmaru

Paggio the service of Nobunaga, despite being a boy has an extraordinary skill in archery. His devotion to Oda leads him to try to please her man to get his approval.

Azai Nagamasa

ally and vassal of Oda, it is also the brother-sister's husband as Nobunaga, Oichi. He suffers from a serious internal conflict that saw the atrocities committed in the name Nobunaga unification of Japan, but is justified by the power of thinking that Oda clan one day he will win in Japan. He loves his wife dearly Oichi, though often the criticism.


This Ichi, is the sister of Oda Nobunaga. Woman weak and submissive personality, he married Nagamasa to get an ally to his brother.

His weapon is a naginata two blades.

Tokugawa Ieyasu

ally and vassal of Oda, despite his short stature is a valiant warrior, although it relies more often to his generals - including Honda Tadakatsu - for control its army.

His weapon is a bracket.

Maeda Toshiie

Vassallo of Nobunaga, he does not like fighting much, prefers life with his wife and Matsu often the victim of pranks by his grandson Keiji.


devoted wife of Toshiie, is itself a warrior and always agrees with the decisions of her husband. It has the special ability to summon animals.

Maeda Keiji

Despite the name, is not officially linked to the Maeda clan, but more or less relationships with all parties involved to stop the hostilities and form a Japan kingdom without bloodshed - as opposed to Nobunaga. His best friend is a monkey named Yumekichi, who accompanies him everywhere. Call everyone by name, regardless of their social status.

His weapon is a sword with two hands, which he wields with one hand.

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Draw Jeff Hardys Face

teh lulz

Kadaj as Riku, while trying to drag you to the dark side of the Force.

Yesterday I dedicated to the vision of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete that different from the 2005 has some additional scenes with the dialogues that perform better than the story - which is still span the air, but be satisfied .
Apart from the scenes "series" and the most blatantly comic - featuring the usual Reno and Rude -, what made me really scompisciare was directing the fight sequences. High spectacular, improbable stunts in the air, bones and skins impervious to abrasions, edged weapons, explosions, burns, violent impact against the concrete; bike instead of bouncing like physics would land intact after flight of tens of meters and do not show even a scratch on the paint, and while we are so anti-aerodynamic to accommodate an entire arsenal of swords on the sides (?).

The nosebleed Reno naked in front of Tifa, Loz and stares at him with disapproval (rightly).

The characters that we had learned to love the original Final Fantasy VII intruzziti have much, and even now I wonder why Cloud, at the end of the game had become a normal person, has returned to the state of emo besetting the beginning.
Yuffie, do not know why, you forgot to get the bad air, and in fact on Shera hopping merrily with a packet of material at hand as if it were nothing, while all the spectators are the dramatic - and highly Matrix inspired - Cloud's final battle against Sephiroth.

Denzel look for the phone number Yoshinori Kitase, to ask why the hell has produced such a Truzzi.

That ended it with a touch of dementia, I consider it highly unlikely that a guy with a lung pierced by a bullet can safely walk, jump and shake a sword twice the size of him, as he does when he faces Cloud the irreducible Yazoo and Loz. But I will
rightly points out that this is a Final Fantasy, the magic is, it could pass over the rape of gravity, physics Elementary and cause-effect relationship, but I can, and I lament the same. And as I give to ROTFL.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What To Wear For Navy Retirement

Reports from Guild Wars

* blows dust off *

Puff puff ...
Well, that is, we are in December and this blog has accumulated at least 5 cm of dust, not good uu Since we are almost at Christmas, and Christmas are all better people, the fetch.
What can I say, I'm happily in Guild Wars nerds groped to make the Legendary Survivor title, are just beyond the beginning and already I hate him>: O But it's a prestigious title, so I must resist.
And then, the snowmen are so in the service of Dwayna pucchosi. \u0026lt;3

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Inserting Jpeg Into Autocad

You love me, Siwon?!

TITLE: You love me, Siwon?
AUTHOR: Nora ~
GENRE: Oneshot (?) Most likely will have another chapter to finish it (because not all LOL)
RATINGS: PG (?) And no sign of NC 17
Disclaimers: No character is mine.
PAIRING: Siwon / Heechul ~
NOTE: start by saying I wrote it the night of my birthday (and I honestly did not remember that my birthday I was at home to write, but oh well XD) do not promise anything let this be known, is not the whole thing is great but I just wanted to post because it was something different from the usual JongTae I do .. So I hope you like it too (OCG) / ~ ♥

"What have you this evening?" Spun her back to me, was the most hated thing in the world!
The PTO and the rolling of weight to me,
"tell me what got into you today?" Kept her face turned down, I could not see it in those terms made me sick.
gently took his hands and squeezed. "Please tell me I'm crazy"
"let loose" took away the plot the hands and fell to the ground with their backs to the wall, was seriously hurt this time, but what could I do?! I did not know why all this sadness pet and I can not help without a good and valid reason.
I let myself go and I squatted down next to him at all costs I wanted to know what had happened or what was taking at that time,
"Heechul can not keep his nose all the time" I saw a tear streak down his sweet face. He was beginning to cry, but he instinctively embraced
dropped his arms at his side, I felt a fool.
"I love Siwon?" A shiver through my whole back, it was a question that most unusual of him.
"Heechul you know what I think"
"I love Siwon?" But no words came out of my mouth were like paralyzed in the throat, as I had the vague feeling that someone has put in the middle of our history.
hated our friends! I hated our band! They did not accept the fact that I had fallen in love with Heechul!
"I love Siwon?" Kept me the same question for the past five minutes, increased his tears as he spoke to me and my voice
disappeared more and more.
"Well I got it" He jumped up and walked towards the exit door .. and I let go, pulled her head back and put my hands through his hair had become completely stupid or what? It is yet another little-seated and Heechul not see it-now even more my conscience speaking, slowly I'm getting too crazy. WELL. -Do you remember Hecchul going away-but I nevertheless I was doing strange stories in my mind with my conscience and I was still crying on the ground
-ORDER-lifted and a little voice told me that I started to feel, so torn by this situation that I got up and runs away in search of my boyfriend, even if I could ever consider such.
I caught her golden hair from a distance, raced up to him and dragged him into the first room free backstage.
"I love Heechul and will always love you, but please do not make me suffer any more than what you have?" Grabbed me by the hips and pulled me if squeezing a strong, almost
I was short of breath. It lasted little more than half a second and behold, our tongues intertwined. Every kiss was like the first.
"Not here Heechul"
"I felt like, from there take a moment and we do not feel" and how to resist a look like that?
"If We're stuffed peck you know? "
" mmb Siwon my good fried "pushed me against the wall and start doing what I feared, began to kiss her neck before moving to the mouth and finish his neck, but again
this time went down to the belly.
"I'm hating right now do you know?" "Do you like it so much when I do" "why do you hate more and more"
I felt a strong pressure on my pants, I looked down and saw Hecchul a non-excited a little more.
"But if we wait to go home? Sai on the bed are more convenience "
" But I want to do it now, even standing is comfortable you know? "I wanted to convince the fact that if we discovered we were in utter crap,
a scandal in the Super Junior at this time was not exactly a the best ideas but .. I could not resist taking the weight and lay the Sulo.
"You let go I see you were stretched more than a guitar string"
"I hate you damn"
"I think quite the opposite haha" that damn laugh knew what excited me.
I sat down on his belly, to unbutton his shirt and slowly discover that his perfect body.
"You start the game" and then lick their lips, felt his excitement to push on his pants, do as he wants at this point. Even took off my clothes and stood in
of boxer while he was left with virtually everything except the shirt that was now who knows how far-flung corner of the dressing room.
"Siwon?" I recall from my thoughts "NOW" he said as he pointed with his eyes his erection. I hesitated for an instant and he saw it, "Have you already forgotten how to"
took my hand firmly and put it in his pants "From here I'll leave you my love "took his member in her hands and started to excite my little man.
was coming and with it a moan but stopped him in time, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle the scream,
"I am doing it for you then avoid being discovered," I said with much anger, too because he knew that I did not do it in the dressing room where, above all, there were
all our friends out.
fact is that I wanted to attend to so I took off my boxers, that they went to keep company to the shirt, I also take him all that remained
and began serious work. Penetrated into him without hesitation "Plane stupid that you're hurting me" the words choked her with little kisses, our bodies intertwined
but suddenly we heard a noise, I personally did not want to hear. NOT AT THAT TIME!
"anyone?" Continuing to knock on the door violently.
"do not you dare say a word I said, whispering into the ear of Heechul
" and if you come in? "
" you'll see does not fit "we heard the door open slowly.
"BUSY" screamed the moment and the door closed.
"where were we?"
"AAH giving up" I took off and went to pick up all my clothes from the floor, "Is that all?" I asked getting up too.
"I told you we do it quietly at home and after I played I left that room.

"but where did you go?" Donghae said as soon as I saw out of the dressing room "and, moreover, no shirt," he added when he saw that I was not part of the clothing.
"is a hot in here" I said as I tried to send me as much air as possible in the face with his hand,
"mmmh" his face was not comforting, I had discovered? She took my arm and began to walk quietly through the corridors.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Polaris Snowmobile Suspensions

TITLE: My Love is Pain - Chapter 6
AUTHOR: Nora ~
GENRE: LongFic.
Disclaimers: No character is mine.
PAIRING: Jonghyun / Taemin ~
NOTE: This story truly has no rhyme or reason and do not even know I how I want to conclude or fast-forward * Gratt head * boh still see what comes out the next chapter ~ & hearts ;

I was ever convicted.
Why? Well it is little more than a month and whenever we had the chance, and I locked up inside
Taemin there somewhere (even uncomfortable at times) to heal our history of only

~ ~-I'm finally almost home, I thought as carefully peered out the window,
was a long time since I wandered way to Seoul, my dear old Seoul.
A hint of a smile appeared on my lips when I saw my mother on the edge of the door
waiting for his dear son.
"Thanks .." I paid the taxi who very kindly took me to my goal, I downloaded
luggage and went to dive into the arms of my mother.
"How are my mancaho Kim Jonghyun" his eyes to mention the tears, but hid
as only she could do.
"You too mom" one of many, if not the only sincere hugs I gave in this last period
My life was made up of lies, lies, and all the stuff you say to your friends to
hide a secret .. Well I became a liar.
But I do not want to think about my private life, I do not think about work especially
not want to think about the person called Lee Taemin.
"Where is Daddy?" was the first thing I asked when I entered the house,
"your father is made to their work, however it is in the studio" the suitcase I laid in my room and immediately
I hurried to go to the studio to say goodbye to my old .
As I entered I was met by a strange smell, a mixture of Indian incense .. The usual turn
he used while working.
"Hello Dad" cried popping up behind him unexpectedly
"Ohh boy what brings you home? You've been kicked out of the band? "He had always been
contario to the fact that his son, not that I had joined a band like that ..
As a child I always said the crime in spite of all the singers but I did not give him
straight and went to take those samples and finally here I am in the role of Kim Jonghyun SHINee
member of one of the most famous (I think).
"No daddy, I came for the holidays that they gave us," she shrugged her hair
then returned to his work and I like a good and educated son left him to his task, without giving him so much trouble ..

I can greet him better later. Returning to the kitchen
another strange smell hit my nostrils (I think it was coffee). I caught a
brown hair, I'd say women.
"Jong you remember this girl," my mother dragged me by the arm in front of her figure
but also willing, I could not remember who he was and how long I could
know a girl like that.
"How can you remember her? was your best friend when you were little. There was
day you spent together and she does not "sgranai eyes was not possible, the girl I
are describing my mother is totally different, had the equipment and
was pretty ugly. No, that's not Ye Eun.
"Ye-ye eun? I was afraid to say that name, why?
Well, all of a sudden I felt I was done and I had left all alone.
There was no day that I received a call from or anything but I had completely abandoned
"Jonghyun It's me" you dodged the hair from his eyes and stood, even if for a few seconds,
captivated by her ethereal beauty.
"I did not think of .."
"to be here? Surprise "was cold as marble,
I deserved it after this long absence.