Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Draw Jeff Hardys Face

teh lulz

Kadaj as Riku, while trying to drag you to the dark side of the Force.

Yesterday I dedicated to the vision of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete that different from the 2005 has some additional scenes with the dialogues that perform better than the story - which is still span the air, but be satisfied .
Apart from the scenes "series" and the most blatantly comic - featuring the usual Reno and Rude -, what made me really scompisciare was directing the fight sequences. High spectacular, improbable stunts in the air, bones and skins impervious to abrasions, edged weapons, explosions, burns, violent impact against the concrete; bike instead of bouncing like physics would land intact after flight of tens of meters and do not show even a scratch on the paint, and while we are so anti-aerodynamic to accommodate an entire arsenal of swords on the sides (?).

The nosebleed Reno naked in front of Tifa, Loz and stares at him with disapproval (rightly).

The characters that we had learned to love the original Final Fantasy VII intruzziti have much, and even now I wonder why Cloud, at the end of the game had become a normal person, has returned to the state of emo besetting the beginning.
Yuffie, do not know why, you forgot to get the bad air, and in fact on Shera hopping merrily with a packet of material at hand as if it were nothing, while all the spectators are the dramatic - and highly Matrix inspired - Cloud's final battle against Sephiroth.

Denzel look for the phone number Yoshinori Kitase, to ask why the hell has produced such a Truzzi.

That ended it with a touch of dementia, I consider it highly unlikely that a guy with a lung pierced by a bullet can safely walk, jump and shake a sword twice the size of him, as he does when he faces Cloud the irreducible Yazoo and Loz. But I will
rightly points out that this is a Final Fantasy, the magic is, it could pass over the rape of gravity, physics Elementary and cause-effect relationship, but I can, and I lament the same. And as I give to ROTFL.


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