Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nhl Goalie Masks Designs

Where is my SMILE?

But anyway .. I want my smile, I pray for those who have robbed me of RIDARMELO immediately, I can not go on pretending. Please restituitemelo is PROPERTY OF MY DICK !

Belle merde you are, even today
[as always now never] do not you tell me anything.
are good for me OUT, no more will try it will let you know anything about what's happening to me. Really! We exclude it completely from my life!
Turning to serious matters and less dramatic ..
Well yes to me by Sunday then I have to work .. I
THE WORLD? Well! Me I have to earn it with my own hands, my own sweat and my own money ...
Yes, because one day I conquer this crap and I will change completely ..
now I have reduced it to daydreaming,
are inundated with mundane illusions .. I am creating a world of my illusions that I made from the Arabian'm building day after day .. brick by brick ..
Maybe if we see them at least I can feel good about myself and the people that even they, I'm modeling at will!

Now I have dinner and maybe the best thing ...


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