Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can You O D On Zopiclone

outside Rome during

But is it possible that I still have residual stomach ache (?)
That is three days I'm vague to house in search of a pain but can not find nothing at all ..

However .. but still (?)
ie NO AND NO STILL NO we do not want to go and I keep asking ..
No I'm not going to be with you I'm not sick of

You also know I have a limit of endurance
are so dear / kind / friendly but enough is too much even for me!

Ph .___.
I'm tired of writing depressing post at least once
I would write something that make my day, it makes me smile ..
But as always I find myself writing my misfortune ..

No-ok, I have to flee to the Mall
Faidutti put me in a good mood (?) With
its bullshit



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