Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dog Hair Loss Flaky Skin

Noia the explanation of Italian

TITLE: yet still no one!
GENRE: OneShot.
Disclaimers: No character is mine.
PAIRING: Jonghyun / Taemin
NOTE: Uhm I only like some parts, otherwise I find it banal .. The more I try to force my ideas come to mind things equal and monotonous .. I wrote it for an hour on Verga intense so it's a mixture of boredom as a lesson & various thoughts. Copied to the PC by letter that I send ~ Ryo to my dear And a special thanks to Simo that he read a preview and I was very encouraged ~ ♥

Its sinuously around his body were like a stab in the chest.
I was sitting by the pool while sipping iced tea and your feet
move water under me.
-Come dance? - A girl gave me her hand but I refused
I did not feel up to dancing the night .. And if I'm honest I had not even be here today.
My gaze fell on the same spot, and as before, he was rubbing against
his body, his hands clasped in her hair and her lips were based on the read her pale neck .. The lights above
swallowed them, were the protagonists of the evening,
and this was driving me crazy.
I laid the glass next to me doing it accidentally spill into the pool and not picked it up .. Fregai and I caught a bit of courage to go to him and tear him from the hands of Lucifer *
Halfway I turned and walked back, I was not ready and never will be. Hey Jonghyun
-come dance with us, another group of girls made me nod to go to them and start having fun, maybe it was a good time to forget everything .. but I pretended and I headed to the beach.
was the first time I saw her semi empty.
I went to the shore to feel the warmth of the water and breathe deeply the sea air that flowed that night.
for an instant I closed my eyes and I was again in his mind the image.
The music that you just received from that distance did not help to alleviate those images
if I'm honest I add to the excitement, not only the mind that even in my pants. My thoughts were
disruptions from physical contact that made me jump,
a hand rested on my shoulder and as soon as I turned I saw his smiling face.
-Taemin-cried in fear.
-Sorry if I scared you, but I have not seen in pool-lay beside me resting her head on my legs.
fascinates me-the stars .. We do not see the stars almost never-he said as he admired the wonder that nature was offering.
I pulled her head back slightly.
-What did you do on the beach? - There was shooting around too, immediately caught his eye
-as I said before I have not seen and I'm worried scostai-damp bangs from her forehead ..
-Do not believe me? - Lifted from the ground with your elbows closer and closer to my face,
from that distance I could feel even the smell of her skin.
Orange & Vanilla her favorite bubble bath.
-this is not done, but I saw very well together with that girl-I tried to look away but it was impossible.
-Are you jealous or something? - The world
I literally fell on me.
flood of thoughts occupying my mind.
I? ... Jealous? and what?
jealous because your body at that moment was touching that of another and not mine?
jealous of your warm lips were resting on top of her and not over me? It was Tae
and are jealous of everything you do with other people.
No, why should I be proud of-my being preceded me and gave a response
that my brain was not thinking at all.
-You're lying, your eyes tell a lie-it was so predictable?
-You're jealous, admit you're jealous that I can steal, he was having fun, but since I did not want to confess, went to the party leaving me alone as before. Strength and courage
Jonghyun. The
chased up to grab him by the arm and lay it on the ground
-ok I'm jealous, jealous that you can love someone outside of me, I confessed everything.
-Ne-I was sure I snatched a kiss.
-you are stupid-I said, I took it and reversed the situation, lay down on my body and took control of the situation-not let you go now you're mine, "said amused.
? -
-You will be mine forever? -
~ *

Lucifer. I had more returns in mind the song of SHINee
and then I wanted to mention that name but nothing more ..


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