Monday, November 29, 2010

What Are Good Songs To Dance To In A Talent Show

[Fic] His God

The failure was not an option that Sando was willing to accept a second time.

live years and years - so many that he had lost count a long time, and it did not matter much - to preserve, in solitude, the tomb of the man who had been called to protect, and who had been dying under my eyes because of an error for which he reproached himself again, had allowed her to hone the art of fencing with the claymore fighting enemies spawned from his own imagination.

So ruby-


really delicate ones dummies made of flesh and bones contained so much blood?

He had learned to his cost that if not handled with care whoever was around would hurt, or he would kill, as when a child breaks his favorite toy throwing him one last Once the floor.

Originally essence was formless, empty and pointless, which floated in a non-place that did not belong to any size.

because he was trained to behave like a real human being - the secret of its true origin was known only to a few - and devoured her with his eyes, almost with intellectual curiosity, whatever caught his nascent interest.

he had not forgotten his task, and trained in various disciplines, to find out - with some surprise - his preference for the use of a weapon so unnecessarily large and cumbersome as the claymore .

had eyes to see. He had ears to hear.

But he had a heart to feel?

The weight of the sword in hand in some way comforted her, made her feel real .

Sometimes I lose touch with reality and struggled desperately, inside and out, to restore that tenuous bond that still there.

indeed its existence in that world was so fragile as to require increasing evidence?

He then grabbed the key, and was surprised not to have understood immediately. Its mission, its purpose - to be the shadow of the emperor - was what gave meaning to his existence, what made her what it was - something more solid than an empty shell and truer than a soulless mannequin, who danced in the hands of an invisible puppeteer, regardless of what its wire handle.

Similarly came to the conclusion that humans were not dolls, that once were hidden underground routes because there was nobody to move them. It was not just flesh and blood, and living in close contact with them he realized that she was forming an embryo of personality.

He could not have no thoughts or desires.

and when you want to return to the primitive state of its non-existence there was no one to lend an ear, while his eyes stared at the empty sockets of man in red armor that he had killed his God ..


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